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Exercise, Top Benefits

You've been told a hundred times that exercise is good for you, and it's true - but it's good for a lot more than just losing weight or building muscle. Here are 10 other benefits you'll see from just a little daily exercise.

10. You'll Improve Your Memory

Ever feel like you think a bit more clearly after a good workout? Not only is your brain getting more energy and oxygen, but many studies have shown that exercise can boost your memory and help you learn better.

9. You'll Have Better Posture

Good posture is important, and one of the best ways to fix your posture is to exercise the muscles holding your back.

8. You'll Boost Your Confidence

Obviously, exercise can improve your appearance which can improve confidence, but there's more to it than that. Exercise can also help you feel more accomplished and social.

7. You'll De-Stress

We all have stress in our lives, whether it's the occasional rough day or a more serious, chronic problem. Stress can really wreak havoc with your mind, but studies have shown that exercise is a great way to combat it.

6. You'll Sleep Better

If you ever have trouble falling asleep at night, the National Sleep Foundation says at regular exercise can help you sleep better. The best time to work out is in the morning or the afternoon, rather than before bed—if you exercise too closely to bedtime, it can actually have the opposite effect!

5. You'll Have More Energy

It may seem counter-intuitive—after all, working out can drain your energy quite a bit—but regular exercise can actually make you feel more energized throughout the day.

4. You'll Have Better Sex

Do I have your attention yet? Yes, studies have indeed shown that regular exercise can increase arousal and decrease men's risk for erectile dysfunction, likely because exercise improves circulation.

3. You'll Get Sick Less Often

Nobody likes getting sick, and exercise can help. A recent study found that people who exercised regularly were half as likely to get a cold than people who didn't.

2. You'll Live Longer

It's no secret that healthy living will keep you alive longer, but you might be surprised at how much. One study found that exercise improves life expectancy as much as quitting smoking.

1. You'll Just Be Happier

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